Sunday, March 20, 2011

Warden Kathy Mullins Weekly Update Dated 3/20/11

To St. Stephen's Parishioners:

Sunday March 20 - 8 AM AND 10 AM  Second Sunday in Lent. The Rev. Cooper Conway, Interim Rector is the celebrant and preacher.

Sunday, March 20  Coffee Hour   This is Bread Sunday-- Share yours at Coffee Hour
Sunday, March 20  11:15 AM  Lenten Forum led by Rev. Karen Eberhardt, Interim Deacon
Friday, March 25 - Sunday, March 27  Middle School Retreat, Cross Roads Camp
Thursday, March 31  7:30 PM   Preschool Committee Meeting

UPDATE FROM SEARCH COMMITTEE.   The Search Committee is meeting regularly and working diligently. The committee is expected to report to the vestry each month and to keep the congregation informed about its progress. Today they are issuing another progress report.  As always that reporting must take place within the confidentiality restrictions imposed on the members of the committee.  At the end of this report the search committee invites parishioners to ask questions about the process and next steps.  If you do, and should you feel that you are getting the run around, please remember that Search committee members  cannot state specifics, such as who they are considering or not considering. While they welcome your interest, they cannot tell you -- or even hint at-- who might be a viable candidate, so please do not press them to do so. Here is the latest Search Committee update:
The St. Stephen's Search Committee reports that it has entered an exciting phase of the rector search process.  During January and February the committee whittled down applications to a manageable number of serious candidates, and began interviewing these candidates by phone in early March.  This process will continue over the next few weeks.  As we evaluate these interviews we’re beginning to identify top candidates who we’ll visit at their current parishes to observe them real-time with their congregations.  That phase of the process should begin in April.  From there, a small group of finalists will be selected and presented to the vestry, who will enter into the final stages of discernment.  The interview stage is the culmination of a lot of time spent studying candidates, who have submitted responses to our written questions, as well as sermons and personal statements regarding their interest in St. Stephen’s.  We’ve been very impressed with the response to our opening; in fact, applications were coming in right up until the deadline, which was last Friday, March18. 
Members of the committee will be on hand at coffee hour following the 10am service on March 20 to take any questions about the process and next steps.
Here, once again, are the names of the members of the Search Committee. Seek out any one of them during the Coffee Hour tomorrow and ask your questions:  Paul Boegershausen, Sheelagh Clarke, Dick Cole, Claas Ehlers, Nikki Ellingham, Margo Greenfield, Jeff Majtyka, Patti Moore, and Denise Price.  Remember to thank them for the enormous amount of time, creativity, and energy they are investing in finding the right person to join us in our continuing ministry.

CARE PACKAGES.  Kai Alston, who serves as the Diocesan Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries, sent out a reminder to parishes that during the youth of the diocese will be making care packages for military personnel and college students while attending the Confirmation Retreats. The packages are intended to be a token of encouragement and thanks.  She asks that each parish or individuals within the parish send her the addresses of people who might appreciate such a gift.  They don’t have to be Episcopalian.

NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM.  The former counseling office adjacent to the Auditorium/Gym has been converted into a new Sunday School room.  The children will be welcomed into the new space next Sunday (March 27) and parishioners will be invited in to see the space during coffee hour next Sunday.  A number of people made this possible. Special thanks to George Ritz of Infinity Floors in Pine Brook NJ for donating the carpet. It is a durable commercial grade in a versatile caramel shade. The large stick-on carpet sections will enable us to replace one section should there be a serious spill. George Ritz is a business associate of parishioner Eric Mauer and we thank Eric for coordinating the donation and installation. Besides all the energy that Linda Soughan brings to planning and organizing a creative Sunday School program, she is also handy with a paint brush. She is responsible for transforming the room with a bright sunshine-infused color. Thanks to all!

LENTEN FORUM.  This is the first Sunday in the Lenten Forum series being presented by the Rev. Karen Eberhardt. The series will look at Social Justice issues from varied perspectives.  This week discussion will start close to home, focusing on Prison Ministries, particularly about the effect  of incarceration on the children and families of prisoners. When the mother goes to  jail the children are often displaced from the home, which adds to their stress. Karen will share information about the work of the Prison Ministry Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark and lead us in considering possible ministries in this area.

MIDDLE SCHOOL RETREAT.    From March 25 - 27 the Rev. Cooper Conway will be with our youth in grades 6-8 at the Middle School Retreat.  This exciting event will be held at Cross Roads Retreat & Conference Center in Port Murray, NJ.  The theme is “Behind the Smile:  Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover”.  The retreat will encourage youth to learn each others’ stories instead of judging people too early. They’ll also play games, enjoy time making new friends and eat great food.  Kaileen Alston, Diocesan Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries is coordinating the event, which is intended to be part of preparation for confirmation next year.  Cooper says that 9 out of 12 middle school youth are planning to attend the fun-filled weekend.
Cross Roads Camp is a welcoming, ecumenical retreat center and camp of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark and the NJ Synod of the ELCA. It is accredited with the American Camp Association. If you have children be sure to find out about the summer camp program for youth, family camping and the year-round agenda of retreats. Cross Roads camp occupies 250 mountaintop acres in the beautiful Highlands of the Northwestern tip of Hunterdon County. Visit: <>

A LENTEN IDEA.  Many of us try to find ways to bring our family members together around a project.  What if your family could spend an hour or so engaged in an activity that benefits the environment, beautifies the town, teaches local history, gets everyone outdoors, and provides healthy exercise?  Does that hit enough hot buttons?  Here's the need:  During the winter while snow blanketed our area for an inordinate amount of time, our landscape company was  unable to carry out the usual pre-spring cleanup at the cemetery.  They are now playing catch-up, but way behind schedule. Families are showing up at the cemetery to find Christmas wreaths still in place, winter debris (fallen limbs, dead plants, plastic and paper and other wind-blown objects) cluttering the grounds. The challenge would be to select a small area of the cemetery, hand family members a trash bag (we've got a big supply) and as your family walks through that section talk about the names on the stone markers while bagging up the debris. Many denizens of our cemetery were  important figures in local history.  An hour's work would be a big help and could be very enjoyable. You would be making a valuable contribution and this could be lots of fun. If you are interested, be sure to let me (Kathy Mullins) know. I'll get you the needed supplies, some printed tips and suggest an area.

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